October Photo Dump

 Most of these pictures are of hikes, because we've been doing a lot of them. I aim for once a week. 

 It is so beautiful where we live!  Preston says this is his favorite trail we've found so far.

In October we started a unit based on the book Farmer Boy.  We dyed yarn on the stove using natural items--red cabbage, grapes, etc.  Preston was very proud of our efforts.

 We also went to an Apple Festival at a local farm.  Preston did this ball toss activity and won three goldfish.

 The kids goofing off.

Dallin and Preston tried their hand at this giant sling shot at the festival.

 Continuing with our Farmer Boy lessons, we talked about food preservation and dried apples in the oven.

More hiking!
 Still wild raspberries in October!

 Math--hands on experience with factoring, and then he drew it on the chalkboard.

This time we took Dallin on our hike.

Preston also played soccer this fall.  Their team really struggled and were losing every game by wide margins, until the coach arranged to have them moved to a lower division.  They did much better after that and even won a few games.  (Coach didn't tell them about moving down.)

Preston has been learning to play the pentatonic recorder and also to read music.

At the end of our Farmer Boy unit, we cooked a dinner using authentic recipes from the book.  We ate by candlelight as they would have done in the olden days.

Right before Halloween we went to pick pumpkins, and they had cows to be fed. 

Going to this place was worth it just for the cows--the kids had so much fun even though the cows were slobbery.

Preston cleaned and carved his own pumpkin this year.

Our last hike of October.

 We learned how the gashes in these trees were made by the axes of loggers.


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