Summer and Fall 2017
Dallin's Birthday: a blurry picture, but one that captures Preston's love for Dallin perfectly.
Hanging out in Dallin's hammock.
A game of checkers. Checkers is currently one of Preston's favorite games. He beats me by a landslide every time. I'm pretty sure Dallin is the one person he cannot beat. Prest is really into board games in general right now, and he and I (and sometimes Sariah, if she's up), usually play one first thing every morning.
These are out of order for some reason, but these next pictures are from the Fourth of July:
Preston thinks he needs a new snack for every part of the school day. Here is his pick for story time: oatmeal, German pancake, and lots of oranges.
Lost in thought after a watercolor painting session. He was painting a portion of the fairy tale Snow White and Rose Red.
Beeswax figures that Preston and I modeled and put on the window.
Sariah is actually letting Preston play with her slime.
Preston is "walking" the outlines of the letters he's learning.
Preston's drawing from the fairy tale The Golden Goose. The goose is in the shape of a G, and the tree is supposed to reflect the form of the letter T.
Then he writes the letters on the accompanying page.
One of Preston's best pictures--D is for Dragon from the story The Four Skilfull Brothers.
M is for Mighty Mountain from the story The Water of Life.
Another really good one, B is for Bear from Snow White and Rose Red.
The cutest kid ever is looking like a Jack-o-Lantern with all the missing teeth.
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