Preston's Christmas 2017

The kids' favorite tradition is gingerbread house decorating.
Daddy helped by being on "icing bag" duty.

As you can see by the rows of marshmallows, Preston is very meticulous and likes to do things in an organized and patterned way.

Christmas Eve devotional time

Blowing out his Advent candle on Christmas Eve

Opening his Christmas Eve PJ's:  Dallin chose them

Christmas morning:  he finally got "that dang marble run"!

"That dang marble run" was actually quite a pain to set up.  I was until 12:30 am trying to put it together.  Even though I followed the picture on the box exactly, I had to laugh when Preston's comment was, "Santa didn't put this together right."

Another item of soccer-themed clothing--also courtesy of Dallin.  He's trying to turn Preston into a soccer player, and it's working.

Jenga came in his stocking.


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