October 2018

This picture turned out really blurry (I think I was trying to hold the dog still...), but I just wanted to show this beautiful trail very near our house where Preston and I go on a nature walk every Monday after we drop Sariah off at her school. It is part of our weekly routine now, and he always remembers that it is Monday and time for our walk. Here are some cute soccer pictures: I'm not sure what he was doing in this picture. Here he's writing words to fit the two main sounds of "oo". We learned about two sets of twins (heads shaped like double O's)... one set loves to try new foods and always says, "ooh!" when they eat something. The other set hates to try new foods and always says "oo" as in "this tastes like WOOD". It was a super fun way to learn this, and he remembers it very well as a result. He loves playing this math game. Preston and Dallin the evening when Preston got his soccer trophy. ...