Preston's Birthday

We didn't know this was supposed to be for Dallin. He and Preston have both been enjoying it--usually together. Something to build with! (Preston very carefully crafted the blanket-covered chair to be his special birthday chair.) A board game! Preston with his gifts. He and Sariah have been having the time of their lives using the science magic kit. Sariah took charge of the birthday cake. Preston was determined to have an ice cream cake, in fact, I think this may be the exact version he picked out at Walmart last year. But he also wanted penguins. I bought fondant, and Sariah made the adorable little penguins. Preston was pleased. Preston and Sariah spent the whole day decorating the living room, including stringing Christmas lights, hanging up streamers, and lining up all the stuffed animals in the house to observe the festivities. It was a very happy day!