June Fun
We've had the busiest month ever. My mom came to visit and we thought we should cram in as much sightseeing as possible. First we went down to Lancaster County, PA. This was just me, my mom, Sariah, and Preston as Dallin was in Florida with his boy scout troop, and James had to work. Since Sariah had been learning about Pennsylvania history and the Amish, I wanted to continue that with an extended field trip. First, we visited a recreated Amish farm. Right after we took this picture, he got his head stuck in the hole and it took awhile to get it out. Sariah and Preston were both absolutely fascinated watching the blacksmith work. The next day we went on a buggy ride among the real Amish farms. Poor Preston was allergic to something in Lancaster County because both days every time we went outside his poor eyes couldn't stop watering. Sariah had her turn when we went to New York the next week--something was affecting her...